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Self-care, dharma, and our immune system in times of Covid-19.

Writer's picture: Carol JamaultCarol Jamault

Since the corona virus pandemic started to rise, there is a load of articles and product offers claiming miracles to protect you from the virus by using this or that herb, supplement, vitamin, etc. But let's honestly face one thing: there is no miracle solution.

Boosting your immune system does not happens overnight but rather overtime and results from a longterm lifestyle of self-care and dharma (right ethical behavior).

"The root cause of derangement of seasons is loss of dharma or ethical behavior. If dharma is lost, over time, the seasons will get disrupted, rivers will become violent and change course, meteorites will appear frequently, earthquakes will shake the terrain, and in this natural and human created mayhem, diseases and disease-causing agents will thrive and multiply, and cause mass scale destruction of all living beings."

– Charaka Samhita

For those less familiar with Ayurveda, the Charaka Samhita is a Sanskrit text most likely composed between the fourth century BCE to the second century CE, and one of the main texts of Ayurveda. Counting now over 12 years of Ayurvedic studies, I believe that the most characteristic and powerful teachings of Ayurveda are:

  • its cause and effect based knowledge

  • the mastered art/science of synergistic activities between medicinal herbs, spices and other natural ingredients

  • the in-depth connection with Nature's daily and seasonal cycles

  • an holistic understanding of the human Nature and behaviors (encompassing the mind and the counsciousness along with the body)

  • the idea of taking responsibility towards our own actions and health

"The dharma of Ayurveda teaches how self-care is really planet-care, and how one healthy unit is the beginning of more healthy units. This health, gained through dharma, is in turn the foundation of a healthy life. When firmly established on the pillars of bodily health, we humans can dare to aspire for the fulfillment of material and spiritual goals. The practice of dharma entails the strategy to not only survive, but also thrive. When dharma is violated, both the individual and society are violated, sooner or later."

The following videos will provide interesting perspectives, answers and solutions about the reasoned use of medicinal plants (David Crow), guidelines for self-care actions that we can put in place from home without any need for financial means (Dr. Lad), and the perspective on how immunity works from a medical doctor who's trajectory started from permaculture gardening (Thomas Cowan)

Herbalist and Floracopeia's founder David Crow perspective on the pandemics.

I've been studying through and working with Floracopeia since 2010, I have a great gratitude and appreciation for David and Sara Crow's in-depth teachings. In this short video David explains how jumping on buying all possible products and herbs promoted in the market as a "fix me quickly" solution, we head towards lack of resourses and a deeper problem that the own we are facing now. Full of insights and what should be common sense, this short video should be listen to over and over like a mantra. This powerful message reminds us of our dharma.

A message from Dr. Vasant Lad

In 2007, when my daughter was born, I was introduced to Ayurveda through Dr. Lad's book "Ayurveda: the science of Self-Healing". Although I could not undestand much of the book at first, it inspired me to dive deep into the path of Ayurveda, bodywork, integrative healing and wellness coaching since then. Here Dr. Lad gives some simple guidelines for the use of herbs, yoga and pranayama to support our physiology building resilience against environmental pathogenes.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD sharing the way our immune system works

Thomas Cowan helps people to heal through diet and natural medicines, he is trained and experienced in Anthroposophic medicine as well, and a knowledgeable grower of vegetables. His work is deeply influenced by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

To conclude this article, I believe the best solution to boost our immune system in times of Covid-19 is to individually and collectivelly get back to dharma (right ethical behavior) and...

Let's not wait until we need our practice to start practicing!


About the Author: Carol Jamault is a Certified Health & Life Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Registered Yoga Instructor (RYT-200) with a solid background in design and branding. She supports her clients in stress management and self-care through an integrative approach to wellness by providing bodywork services, consultations, and curated information and products to restore balance, improve individual wellness, and to boost vitality. Carol has been studying alternative healing, ethnobotany, circadian medicine, and Ayurveda since 2001. She is the founder of Hridayam Bodywork & Apothecary.




"You will bloom, if you take the time to water yourself."

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Hridayam, LLC

(786) 473-4175

3850 Bird Road, suite 502

Miami, FL 33146


Services and products from Hridayam LLC are not FDA-evaluated and are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. For persistent conditions, please consult your healthcare provider. Information provided in this website, on our social media channels, or during sessions is not medical advice and doesn't replace professional consultation.

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