Oh saudade! Here goes a recipe that really makes me feel homesick! Perfect for the days when you need some immune system support or if you are hanging out with friends who are having not as sattvic drinks while you desire to stick to your sankalpa (intention) of making healthier choices. As Yogananda said, "environment is stronger than willpower". So, we have to design the environment that support our choices!

1/2 cup of golden raisins
juice of 3 limes
1 cup of water or ice cubes
1 piece of fresh ginger peled
Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth (if not using a powerful blender like a Vitamix or Ninja, grate the ginger previously). Filter and serve chilled. It is so delicious!

About the author: Carol Jamault is a Certified Health and Life Coach (CHC), Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Yoga Instructor (RYT-200) with extensive training in Ayurveda and Herbalism. She focuses on supporting her clients with stress management tools and self-care routines through an integrative approach to wellness. She guides those in a quest for personal growth and better health, by providing curated information and teaching a therapeutic lifestyle that naturally allows to restore balance, improving wellness and fostering longevity. Carol has been studying alternative healing, ethnobotany, circadian medicine, Ayurveda and herbalism since 2001. She is the founder of Hridayam Bodywork & Apothecary and partners with corporations and wellness studios to provide therapeutic bodywork, private coaching, workshops, and lectures.